Create your event now

Sign up for free and start organizing your event, publish your website and your box office right away.

Sign up here to sell tickets for your event


What do you get when you sign up?

Access to more than 15 tools
With Ticketopolis, you don't only sell tickets, you organize your event from start to finish.
Self-managing web pages
For each of your events, with custom URL, and all the content of your event.
Free tickets or courtesies
You can offer free tickets or courtesies without paying commission. Does not apply to numbered seats.
Automated payments
You can accept payments with credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers and cash at convenience stores.
Streaming for free
Streaming either live or on demand, for your virtual or hybrid events.
Technical Support
In our chat you get help and tips to get the most out of the platform.

Start selling tickets TODAY!

Sign up in less than 5 minutes, and start selling immediately.